1 Test_String 2 (Completed) 50 EULA.rtf 51 WARRANTY.rtf 52 Please place CD Disk 2 of MechWarrior:Vengeance into the drive 53 Declining the "End User License" will terminate the game...Proceed? 54 End User License Error 55 Insert CD 56 MechWarrior 4 has been incorrectly installed, please re-run setup 57 Your current hardware or driver setup is not compatible with MechWarrior 4, please contact your hardware manufacturer for more information. See readme.rtf for a list of known issues. 58 Hardware Error 100 Default Loc String 101 Op0M0 102 Destroy Listening Post 103 Destroy SCUD 104 Dropship Hunt 105 Base Defense 106 Recon Area 107 Raid Depot 108 Escort Techs 109 Base Capture 110 Mission 9 111 Destroy Patrols 112 Capture Convoy 113 Destroy Dropships 114 Capture Base 115 Defend Base 116 Capture Barges 117 Destroy Factory 118 Capture Convoy 119 Liberate Camp 120 Destroy Bombers 121 Destroy Patrols 122 Defend Exodus 123 Urban Recon 124 Rescue Pilots 125 Destroy Base 126 Rescue Sister 127 Capture Supplies 128 End Game 129 Lunar 05 130 Material 01 131 Multi Desert 132 Multi E3 133 Multi Capture 134 M3 AI Demo 135 Polar Mission 136 Alpine Scramble 137 AI Bot Demo 138 Desert Ambush 139 Arctic 02 Capture 140 Arctic 04 Clear 141 Urban 04 Rescue 142 Desert 05 Destroy 143 Training 01 144 Big City 145 Central Park 146 Dust Bowl 147 Frostbite 148 Gatorbait 149 Inner City 150 Lunacy 151 Timberline 200 Storage Building 201 Supply Building 202 Storage Building 203 Air Control Tower 204 Alarm Tower 205 Apartment Building 206 Apartment Building 207 Apartment Building 208 Barracks 209 Communications Building 210 Building 211 Laser Turret 212 Turret Control Tower 213 Barracks 214 Boat House 215 Factory 216 Bridge 217 Calliope Turret 218 Command Center 219 Communications Tower 220 Crate 221 Crate 222 Crate 223 Crate Stack 224 Docks 225 Docks 226 Docks 227 Factory 228 Factory 229 Factory 230 Factory 231 Factory 232 Factory 233 Factory 234 Cermak 235 House 236 Barn 237 Silo 238 Windmill 239 Fuel Tank 240 Empty Fuel Tank 241 Fuel Tanks 242 Fuel Station 243 Generator Control 244 Generator 245 Guard House 246 Helipad 247 Dropship Gantry 248 Guard Tower 249 Communications Center 250 Missile Turret 251 Sentry Tower 252 Helipad 253 Military Storage 254 Missile Turret 255 Radar Station 256 'Mech Repair Bay 257 'Mech Hangar 258 Military Storage 259 Laser Turret 260 Overpass 261 Dresari Palace 262 Planetary Administration 263 Planetary History Museum 264 Catwalk 265 Dresari Family Mausoleum 266 Ramp 267 Memorial Statue 268 Wall 269 Wall 270 Wall 271 Wall 272 Wall 273 Wall 274 Prisoner Barracks 275 Crane 276 Roadblock 277 Roadblock 278 Satellite Control 279 Hangar 280 Watch Tower 282 Dropship Gantry 283 Tank Trap 284 Tank Trap 285 Tent 286 Tent 287 Missile Gantry 288 Building 289 Building 290 Building 291 Mobile Turret 292 'Mech Repair Bay 293 Administration 294 Classrooms 295 Classrooms 296 Classrooms 297 Main Dormitory 298 Dormitory 299 Auditorium 300 Lecture Hall 301 Science Lab 302 Stadium 303 Weapon Depot 304 Data Center 305 Office Building 306 Corporate Headquarters 307 Apartment Building 308 Research Facility 309 Office Building 310 Corporate Headquarters 311 MegaCorp 312 Low Income Housing 313 Interplanetary Bank 314 Biotech Research 315 Library 316 Housing 317 Computer Research 318 Apartment Building 319 Apartment Building 320 Department Store 321 Entertainment Center 322 Theater 323 Millennium Building 324 Corrections Facility 325 FASA Interactive 326 Parking Garage 327 Vehicle Hangar 328 Vehicle Hangar 329 Trailer 330 Wall 331 Wall 332 Wall 333 Warehouse 350 Ambulance 351 Ammo Carrier 352 APC 353 Artillery Launcher 354 Artillery Loader 355 Barge 356 Boat 357 Panel Truck 358 Bulldog 359 Bus 360 Cargo Vehicle 361 Condor 362 Destroyer 363 Mobile Field Base 364 Flatbed 365 Fuel Truck 366 Harasser 367 Hrothgar Dropship 368 Humvee 369 Jump Cradle 370 Transport Chopper 371 Loader 372 LRM Carrier 373 Magi 374 Mobile APU 375 Mobile Turret Control 376 Nightshade 377 Nightshade 378 Patrol Boat 379 Patrol Boat 380 Peregrine 381 Shilone Bomber 382 SKUD Launcher 383 Snow Cat 384 SRM Carrier 385 Swiftwind 386 Talon Dropship 387 Transport Vehicle 388 Vedette 473 Osiris 474 Raven 475 Chimera 476 Hellspawn 477 Uziel 478 Bushwacker 479 Argus 480 Catapult 481 Thanatos 482 Awesome 483 Mauler 484 Atlas 485 Cougar 486 Shadow Cat 487 Vulture 488 Loki 489 Nova Cat 490 Thor 491 Mad Cat 492 Mad Cat Mk.II 493 Daishi 500 Object 502 01-OpsBlue 503 02-OpsRed 504 03-OpsYellow 505 04-OpsOliveDrab 506 05-OpsPurple 507 06-OpsCyan 508 07-OpsOrange 509 08-OpsCharcoal 510 09-Warpaint 511 10-TreeLine 512 11-TigerGold 513 12-Savanna 514 13-Swamp 515 14-DesertPink 516 15-RoyalHarrier 517 16-Jungle 518 17-Panzer 519 18-Snow 520 19-LowlightUrban 521 20-BrokenDesert 522 21-RedBrush 523 22-Sabre 524 23-Merkava 525 24-Giraffe 526 25-SteinerWoodland 527 26-SteinerArctic 528 27-SteinerDesert 529 28-HighDesert 530 29-BeachLanding 531 30-ArcticStorm 532 31-Hexed 533 32-Purplexed 534 33-Twirl 535 34-Stix 536 35-Splotch 537 36-ZigZag 538 None 600 Accelerate 601 Order All Lancemates 602 Lancemate Order: Attack My Target 603 Lancemate Order: Attack Nearest Enemy 604 Lancemate Order: Capture Flag 605 Center Legs To Torso 606 Center Torso To Legs 607 Change Firing Mode 608 Toggle 1st/3rd Person View 609 Flush Coolant 610 Crouch 611 Decelerate 612 Lancemate Order: Defend My Target 613 Fire Selected Weapon/Weapon Group 614 Lancemate Order: Form On Me 615 General Chat 616 Get Up 617 Lancemate Order: Go To My Nav Point 618 Fire Group One 619 Fire Group Two 620 Fire Group Three 621 Fire Group Four 622 Fire Group Five 623 Fire Group Six 624 Hat Look 625 Lancemate Order: Hold Fire 626 Fire Jump Jets 627 Eject 628 Order Lancemate One 629 Order Lancemate Two 630 Order Lancemate Three 631 Lancemate Order: Shut Down 632 Lancemate Order: Stop Moving 633 Toggle Light Amplification 634 Look Down 635 Look Left 636 Look Right 637 Look Up 639 Mouse Yaw 640 Mouse Pitch 641 Mouse Yaw 642 Mouse Pitch 643 Toggle Mouse Yaw 644 Mouse Throttle 645 Target Nearest Enemy 646 Target Nearest Friendly 647 Target Next Enemy 648 Target Next Friendly 649 Select Next Nav Point 650 Select Next Weapon 651 Select Next Weapon Group 652 Override Auto Torso Centering 653 Override Auto Shutdown 654 Toggle Radar Active/Passive 655 Pitch Torso Down 656 Pitch Torso Up 657 Pitch Torso 658 Target Previous Enemy 659 Target Previous Friendly 660 Select Previous Nav Point 661 Select Previous Weapon Group 662 Toggle Radar Range 663 Lancemate Order: Repair At Nearest Repair Bay 664 Toggle Forward/Reverse 665 Take Screenshot 666 Toggle Searchlight 667 Toggle Radar/Map 668 Show Mission Objectives 669 Shutdown/Startup 'Mech 670 Target Object Under Reticule 671 Team Chat 672 Throttle 673 Set Throttle To 0% 674 Set Throttle To 100% 675 Set Throttle To 20% 676 Set Throttle To 30% 677 Set Throttle To 40% 678 Set Throttle To 50% 679 Set Throttle To 60% 680 Set Throttle To 70% 681 Set Throttle To 80% 682 Set Throttle To 90% 683 Toggle Left MFD Functionality 684 Toggle Mouse Control On/Off 685 Toggle Right MFD Functionality 686 Torso Twist 687 Turn Left 688 Turn Right 689 Turn 'Mech 690 Torso Twist Left 691 Torso Twist Right 692 Toggle Zoom Window 693 Toggle Large Chat 694 Wheel Up 695 Wheel Down 696 Toggle Hud Modes 697 Show Multiplayer Score 700 F1 Attack my target 701 F2 Defend my target 702 F3 Form on me 703 F4 Hold Fire 704 F5 Goto my Nav Point 705 F6 Stop 706 F7 Shutdown 707 F8 Attack Nearest Threat 708 F9 Repair at Nearest Bay 709 F10 Capture Players Flag 710 Group 711 Weapon 712 A 713 123456 714 N 715 NE 716 E 717 SE 718 S 719 SW 720 W 721 NW 722 Game 723 *Dead* - 724 Twisted Left 725 Twisted Right 726 Player 727 Score 728 R 729 Following 730 You are out of lives 731 Kills 732 Deaths 733 Rear 734 Arial Rounded MT Bold.TTF 735 Ping 736 -10 737 -11 738 -13 739 -18 740 -24 741 Team: 742 Chat: 743 Teamchat: 800 Kills 801 Deaths 802 Kills 803 Kills (Friendly) 804 Kills (Enemy) 805 Deaths 807 Damage Inflicted 808 Damage Received 809 DFA 810 Shots Hit 811 Shots Fired 812 Head Shots 813 Arm Shots 814 Leg Shots 815 Torso Shots 816 Kills PC 817 Kills AI 818 Blank 819 Shutdown 820 Objective 823 Flags Taken 824 Flags Dropped 825 Flags Captured 826 Flag Time 827 Time 828 Players Alive 829 Players Dead 830 Custom 831 Suicides 832 Objective (Uncontested) 833 Objective (Contested) 834 Kills (By Tonnage) 835 Friendly Kills (By Tonnage) 836 Enemy Kills (By Tonnage) 837 Damage Inflicted on Friendlies 838 Damage Inflicted on Enemies 839 Damage Received from Friendlies 840 Damage Received from Enemies 841 destroyed 842 committed suicide 843 Attrition 844 Team Attrition 845 Destruction 846 Team Destruction 847 Capture the Flag 848 King of the Hill 849 Team King of the Hill 850 Steal the Beacon 851 Escort 852 Territories 853 Capture Base 854 Destroy Objective 1001 Pending 1002 Invalid port handle. 1003 Port is already open. 1004 Buffer is too small. 1005 Wrong information was specified. 1006 Cannot set port information. 1007 Port is not connected. 1008 Event is invalid. 1009 Device does not exist. 1010 Device type does not exist. 1011 Buffer is invalid. 1012 Route is not available. 1013 Route is not allocated. 1014 Invalid compression was specified. 1015 Out of buffers. 1016 Port was not found. 1017 Async request is pending . . . 1018 Already disconnecting . . . 1019 Port is not open. 1020 Port was disconnected. 1021 No endpoints. 1022 Cannot open phone book. 1023 Cannot load phone book. 1024 Cannot find phone book entry. 1025 Cannot write phone book. 1026 Phone book is corrupt. 1027 Cannot load string. 1028 Key cannot be found. 1029 Disconnected 1030 Remote disconnection. 1031 Hardware failure. 1032 User disconnected. 1033 Size is invalid. 1034 Port is not available. 1035 Cannot project client. 1036 Unknown error. 1037 Wrong device attached. 1038 Bad string. 1039 Request time-out. 1040 Cannot get LANA. 1041 NETBIOS error. 1042 Server is out of resources. 1043 Name exists on network. 1044 General network failure on server. 1045 Message alias was not added. 1046 Internal authentication. 1047 Restricted log-on hours. 1048 Account is disabled. 1049 Password has expired. 1050 No dial-in permission. 1051 Server is not responding. 1052 Error from device. 1053 Response was not recognized. 1054 Macro was not found. 1055 Macro is not defined. 1056 Message macro was not found. 1057 The default off macro was not found. 1058 File could not be opened. 1059 Device name is too long. 1060 Device name was not found. 1061 No response. 1062 Command was not found. 1063 Wrong key was specified. 1064 Device type is unknown. 1065 Allocating memory . . . 1066 Port is not configured. 1067 Device is not ready. 1068 Reading .ini file . . . 1069 There is no connection. 1070 Bad usage in the .ini file. 1071 Error reading section name. 1072 Error reading device type. 1073 Error reading device name. 1074 Error reading usage. 1075 Error reading maximum connection bps. 1076 Error reading maximum carrier bps. 1077 Line is busy. 1078 A voice answered. 1079 No answer. 1080 No carrier. 1081 No dial tone. Modem may not be connected. 1082 Command error. 1083 Error writing section name. 1084 Error writing device type. 1085 Error writing device name. 1086 Error writing maximum connection bps. 1087 Error writing maximum carrier bps. 1088 Error writing usage. 1089 Error writing default off. 1090 Error reading default off. 1091 Empty .ini file. 1092 Authentication failed. 1093 Port or device error. 1094 Macro is not a binary. 1095 DCB was not found. 1096 State machines were not started. 1097 State machines have already started. 1098 Partial response is looping . . . 1099 Unknown response key. 1100 Receive buffer is full. 1101 Command is too long. 1102 Bps is unsupported. 1103 Unexpected response. 1104 Interactive mode& 1105 Callback number is bad. 1106 Authentication state is invalid. 1107 Writing initial bps . . . 1108 Error in X25 diagnostic . . . 1109 Account has expired. 1110 Changing password . . . 1111 Overrun. 1112 RAS manager cannot initialize. 1113 Biplex port is not available. 1114 No ISDN lines are active. 1115 No ISDN channels are available. 1116 Too many line errors. 1117 IP configuration error. 1118 No IP addresses. 1119 Time-out. 1120 PPP remote connection was terminated. 1121 No PPP protocols are configured. 1122 No PPP response. 1123 PPP packet is invalid. 1124 Phone number is too long. 1125 IPXCP - No dial-out is configured. 1126 IPXCP - No dial-in is configured. 1127 IPXCP - Dial-out is already active. 1128 Accessing TCP config.dll. 1129 No IP RAS adapter. 1130 Slip requires an IP. 1131 Projection is not complete. 1132 Protocol is not configured. 1133 PPP not converging. 1134 PPP - CP was rejected. 1135 PPP - LCP was terminated. 1136 Required PPP address was rejected. 1137 PPP - NCP was terminated. 1138 PPP - Loopback was detected. 1139 No PPP address is assigned. 1140 Cannot use log-on credentials. 1141 TAPI configuration. 1142 No local encryption. 1143 No remote encryption. 1144 Remote requires encryption. 1145 IPXCP - There is a conflict with the network number. 1146 SMM is invalid. 1147 SMM is uninitialized. 1148 No machine for the port. 1149 SMM time-out. 1150 Phone number is invalid. 1151 Wrong module. 1152 Callback number is invalid. 1153 Script syntax error. 1154 Hang up failed. 1155 Generic Error 1156 Opening communications port... 1157 Communications port opened... 1158 Dialing... 1159 Connecting... 1160 Connection successful. 1161 Authentication beginning... 1162 An authentication event has occurred. 1163 Another validation attempt is requested. 1164 The remote access server has requested a callback number. 1165 Password change requested. 1166 Projection phase beginning... 1167 Link-speed calculation... 1168 Authentication request acknowledgement... 1169 Reauthentication beginning... 1170 Authentication completed successfully. 1171 Line disconnecting for callback... 1172 Modem resetting for callback... 1173 Waiting for incoming call... 1174 Projection result information is available. 1175 Subentry connected. 1176 Subentry disconnected. 1177 Interactive state... 1178 Retrying authentication... 1179 Callback set by caller. 1180 Password expired. 1181 Connection successful. 1182 Disconnection or failed connection. 1183 User authentication is being initiated or retried. 1184 Resuming authentication... 1185 Logging onto network... 1186 Unknown RAS state. 1200 Destruction 1201 Team Destruction 1202 Attrition 1203 Team Attrition 1204 Capture The Flag 1205 King Of The Hill 1206 Team King Of The Hill 1207 Territories 1208 Steal The Beacon 1209 Capture Base 1210 Destroy Objective 1211 Escort 1212 Campaign 1213 Custom Destruction 1214 Custom Team Destruction 1215 Custom Attrition 1216 Custom Team Attrition 1217 Custom Capture The Flag 1218 Custom King Of The Hill 1219 Custom Team King Of The Hill 1220 Custom Territories 1221 Custom Steal The Beacon 1222 Custom Capture Base 1223 Custom Destroy Objective 1224 Custom Escort 1225 Custom Campaign 1226 Custom 1227 Unknown 1230 Destruction 1231 Team Destruction 1232 Attrition 1233 Team Attrition 1234 Capture The Flag 1235 King Of The Hill 1236 Team King Of The Hill 1237 Territories 1238 Steal The Beacon 1239 Capture Base 1240 Destroy Objective 1241 Escort 1242 Campaign 1243 Custom Destruction 1244 Custom T DES 1245 Custom Attrition 1246 Custom T ATT 1247 Custom CTF 1248 Custom KOTH 1249 Custom T KOTH 1250 Custom Territories 1251 Custom STB 1252 Custom Capture Base 1253 Custom Dest. Obj. 1254 Custom Escort 1255 Custom Campaign 1256 Custom 1257 Unknown 2500 company 2501 Drop Zone 2502 Mountain 2503 Nav Alpha 2504 Nav Beta 2505 Nav Gamma 2506 navpointmate 2507 navpointplay 2508 Talon 2509 Press F1-F10 Keys To Select And Give Orders To Lancemates 2510 Press F1-F10 Keys To Select And Give Orders To Lancemates 2511 Press F1-F10 Keys To Select And Give Orders To Lancemates 2512 Press F1-F10 Keys To Select And Give Orders To Lancemates 2513 Failed: Nav Alpha status unknown 2514 Success: Nav Alpha clear 2515 Primary: Scout Nav Alpha 2516 Investigate Nav Alpha 2517 Failed: Nav Beta status unknown 2518 Success: Nav Beta clear 2519 Primary: Scout Nav Beta 2520 Investigate Nav Beta 2521 Failed: Nav Gamma status unknown 2522 Success: Nav Gamma clear 2523 Primary: Scout Nav Gamma 2524 Investigate Nav Gamma 2525 Failed: Hostile units remain active 2526 Success: All enemy units destroyed 2527 Primary: Destroy all combat units encountered 2528 Destroy all Steiner combat units 2529 Failed: Hostile units remain active 2530 Success: All enemy units destroyed 2531 Primary: Destroy all combat units encountered 2532 Destroy all Steiner combat units 2533 You could have chosen to bring a lancemate on this and most future missions 2534 You could have chosen to bring a lancemate on this and most future missions 2535 You could have chosen to bring a lancemate on this and most future missions 2536 You could have chosen to bring a lancemate on this and most future missions 3500 escapepoint 3501 Nav Alpha 3502 Nav Beta 3503 Nav Delta 3504 Nav Epsilon 3505 Nav Gamma 3506 Nav Zeta 3507 Comm Station 3508 salvage2 3509 salvage1 3510 SecondaryCommRelay 3511 Failed: Insure allied Swiftwinds arrive and cargo helicopters escape 3512 Success: Insure allied Swiftwinds arrive and cargo helicopters escape 3513 Primary: Insure allied Swiftwinds arrive and cargo helicopters (At Nav Zeta) escape 3514 Primary: Insure allied Swiftwinds arrive and cargo helicopters (At Nav Zeta) escape 3515 Failed: Destroy any assets helpful to Steiner 3516 Success: Destroy any assets helpful to Steiner 3517 Secondary: Destroy any assets helpful to Steiner 3518 Secondary: Destroy any assets helpful to Steiner 3519 Failed: Destroy Comm Station before they radio for help 3520 Success: Destroy Comm Station before they radio for help 3521 Primary: Destroy Comm Station before they radio for help 3522 Primary: Destroy Comm Station before they radio for help 3523 Failed: Destroy fuel depots at east end of base 3524 Success: Destroy fuel depots at east end of base 3525 Secondary: Destroy fuel depots at east end of base 3526 Secondary: Destroy fuel depots at east end of base 3527 Fail: Destroy 2 warehouses at north end of base 3528 Success: Destroy 2 warehouses at north end of base 3529 Secondary: Destroy 2 warehouses at north end of base 3530 Secondary: Destroy 2 warehouses at north end of base 3531 Passive Radar is Activated with Control-R 3532 Passive Radar is Activated with Control-R 3533 Passive Radar is Activated with Control-R 3534 Passive Radar is Activated with Control-R 3535 Fail: Break contact with all enemy units 3536 Success: Break contact with all enemy units 3537 Primary: Break contact with all enemy units 3538 Primary: Break contact with all enemy units 3539 Failed: Destroy main base defenders 3540 Success: Destroy main base defenders 3541 Primary: Destroy main base defenders 3542 Primary: Destroy main base defenders 4500 mentorstart 4501 Nav Alpha 4502 Nav Beta 4503 Failed: Destroy the southern bridge 4504 Success: Bridge destroyed 4505 Primary: Destroy the southern bridge 4506 Once everyone is safely across, blow the southern bridge 4507 Failed: Link up with the technicians 4508 Success: Technicians reached 4509 Primary: Link up with the technicians 4510 Link up with the technicians 4511 Failed: Escort the APCs across the bridge to Nav Beta 4512 Success: APCs in safe territory 4513 Primary: Escort the APCs across the bridge to Nav Beta 4514 Escort at least 2 APCs across the bridge to Nav Beta 5002 Turret Control 5003 sentry1 5005 Failed: Clear way to Control Center for technicians 5006 Success: Clear way to Control Center for technicians 5007 Primary: Clear way to Control Center (Nav Beta) for technicians 5008 Primary: Clear way to Control Center for technicians 5009 Failed: Defend Control Center and technicians 5010 Success: Defend Control Center and technicians 5011 Primary: Defend Control Center and technicians 5012 Primary: Defend Control Center and technicians 5013 Nav Alpha 5014 Nav Beta 5015 Nav Gamma 5016 park1 5017 park2 5018 park3 5019 park4 5020 Control Center 5500 Jen 5501 Casey 5506 Hint: Use The Enemy Status Window (Lower Left Corner) To Determine Enemy Damage And Where To Shoot 5507 Hint: Use The Enemy Status Window (Lower Left Corner) To Determine Enemy Damage And Where To Shoot 5508 Hint: Use The Enemy Status Window (Lower Left Corner) To Determine Enemy Damage And Where To Shoot 5509 Hint: Use The Enemy Status Window (Lower Left Corner) To Determine Enemy Damage And Where To Shoot 5510 Failed: APU's destroyed, defend the dropship 5511 Success: Dropship on line, heading for Kentares IV 5512 Primary: Defend the APU's while the dropship powers up 5513 Defend our dropship and the Auxillary Power Units 5514 Failed: Hostile units still threaten the base 5515 Success: All hostile units destroyed 5516 Secondary: Destroy all hostile units to clear for takeoff 5517 Repell all hostile attacking forces 5518 Hint: A Green Dotted Circle Flashes Around The Enemy Who Shot You On Your Radar 5519 Hint: A Green Dotted Circle Flashes Around The Enemy Who Shot You On Your Radar 5520 Hint: A Green Dotted Circle Flashes Around The Enemy Who Shot You On Your Radar 5521 Hint: A Green Dotted Circle Flashes Around The Enemy Who Shot You On Your Radar 5522 navbl 5523 navbr 5524 navfl 5525 navfr 5526 navtheta 6002 Dropship 6003 Failed: Find damaged Steiner Dropship 6004 Success: Damaged Steiner Dropship found 6005 Primary: Find damaged Steiner Dropship 6006 description here 6007 Failed: Destroy damaged Steiner Dropship 6008 Success: Steiner Dropship destroyed 6009 Primary: Destroy damaged Steiner Dropship 6010 description here 6500 FAILED: Destroy the UberBot (Shadowcat) at Nav Alpha [HARD] 6501 SUCCESS: Destroy the UberBot (Shadowcat) at Nav Alpha [HARD] 6502 PRIMARY: Destroy the UberBot (Shadowcat) at Nav Alpha [HARD] 6503 Destroy the UberBot (Shadowcat) at Nav Alpha [HARD] 6504 FAILED: Destroy the EasyBot (MadCat_MKII) at Nav Beta [EASY] 6505 SUCCESS: Destroy the EasyBot (MadCat_MKII) at Nav Beta [EASY] 6506 PRIMARY: Destroy the EasyBot (MadCat_MKII) at Nav Beta [EASY] 6507 Destroy the EasyBot (MadCat_MKII) at Nav Beta [EASY] 6508 FAILED: Destroy the DodgeBot (Raven) at Nav Gamma [MEDIUM] 6509 SUCCESS: Destroy the DodgeBot (Raven) at Nav Gamma [MEDIUM] 6510 PRIMARY: Destroy the DodgeBot (Raven) at Nav Gamma [MEDIUM] 6511 Destroy the DodgeBot (Raven) at Nav Gamma [MEDIUM] 6512 FAILED: Destroy the KillerBot (Vulture) at Nav Delta [MEDIUM] 6513 SUCCESS: Destroy the KillerBot (Vulture) at Nav Delta [MEDIUM] 6514 PRIMARY: Destroy the KillerBot (Vulture) at Nav Delta [MEDIUM] 6515 Destroy the KillerBot (Vulture) at Nav Delta [MEDIUM] 7000 Nav Alpha 7001 Nav Beta 7002 Nav Delta 7003 Nav Gamma 7004 Failed: Destroy all units at Nav Alpha 7005 Success: All units at Nav Alpha destroyed 7006 Primary: Destroy all units at Nav Alpha 7007 This Does NOTHING! 7008 Failed: Destroy all units at Nav Beta 7009 Success: All units at Nav Beta destroyed 7010 Primary: Destroy all units at Nav Beta 7011 7012 Failed: Destroy all units at Nav Delta 7013 Success: all units at Nav Delta destroyed 7014 Primary: Destroy all units at Nav Delta 7015 7016 Failed: Destroy all units at Nav Gamma 7017 Success: All units at Nav Gamma destroyed 7018 Primary: Destroy all units at Nav Gamma 7019 7020 Failed: Wait for respons from scout groups 7021 Success: Scout groups have found enemy units 7022 Primary: Wait for response from scout groups 7023 Wait for Response From Scout Groups 7500 Nav Alpha 7501 Failed: All trucks survive 7502 Success: All trucks survive 7503 Secondary: All trucks survive 7504 Secondary: All trucks survive 7505 Failed: Overtake convoy and destroy the guards 7506 Success: Overtake convoy and destroy the guards 7507 Primary: Overtake convoy and destroy the guards 7508 Primary: Overtake convoy and destroy the guards 7509 Failed: Destroy all Steiner forces 7510 Succecss: Destroy all Steiner forces 7511 Secondary: Destroy all Steiner forces 7512 Secondary: Destroy all Steiner forces 7513 Nav Beta 7514 Nav Delta 7515 Nav Gamma 9000 home1 9001 home2 9002 home3 9003 Nav Alpha 9004 Nav Beta 9005 Nav Delta 9006 Nav Epsilon 9007 Nav Gamma 9008 park11 9009 park12 9010 park13 9011 park21 9012 park22 9013 park23 9014 park31 9015 park32 9016 park33 9019 Failed: Objective_43 9020 Succeeded: Objective_43 9021 Incomplete: Objective_43 9022 Description: Objective_43 9023 Failed: Cargo Tracks and Ian arrive at extraction point 9024 Success: Cargo Tracks and Ian arrive at extraction point (Nav Epsilon) 9025 Primary: Cargo Tracks and Ian arrive at extraction point (Nav Epsilon) 9026 Primary: Cargo Tracks and Ian arrive at extraction point (Nav Epsilon) 9027 Failed: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the third site (Nav Gamma) 9028 Success: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the third site (Nav Gamma) 9029 Primary: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the third site (Nav Gamma) 9030 Primary: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the third site (Nav Gamma) 9031 Failed: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the first site (Nav Alpha) 9032 Success: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the first site (Nav Alpha) 9033 Primary: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the first site (Nav Alpha) 9034 Primary: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the first site (Nav Alpha) 9035 Failed: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the second site (Nav Beta) 9036 Success: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the second site (Nav Beta) 9037 Primary: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the second site (Nav Beta) 9038 Primary: Guard Convoy as they proceed to and loot the second site (Nav Beta) 9039 Failed: Objective_49 9040 Succeeded: Objective_49 9041 Incomplete: Objective_49 9042 Description: Objective_49 9500 Nav Alpha 9501 Nav Beta 9502 navscout 9503 Failed: Defend 'Mech hangars at base 9504 Success: Defend 'Mech hangars at base 9505 Primary: Defend 'Mech hangars at base (Nav Beta) 9506 defend the battlemech hangars at the base 9507 Failed: Defend anti-aircraft guns 9508 Success: Defend anti-aircraft guns 9509 Secondary: Defend anti-aircraft guns 9510 defend the pass installation 9511 Failed: Get to Nav Alpha 9512 Success: Get to Nav Alpha 9513 Primary: Get to Nav Alpha 9514 9515 Failed: Get anti-aircraft guns online 9516 Success: Get anti-aircraft guns online 9517 Secondary: Get anti-aircraft guns online 9518 Don't think this is used any longer. -davelueh 9519 Failed: Eliminate guerrilla 'Mechs 9520 Success: Eliminate guerrilla 'Mechs 9521 Secondary: Eliminate guerrilla 'Mechs 9522 eliminate the guerrilla 'Mechs on your way to the pass 9523 secondary objective : investivate hawk's radio transmission (failed) 9524 secondary objective : investivate hawk's radio transmission (successful) 9525 secondary objective : investivate hawk's radio transmission 9526 Dont' think this is used anylonger -davelueh 10000 Nav Alpha 10001 FAILED: At least four barges must live 10002 SUCCESS: At least four barges lived to be captured 10003 PRIMARY: At least four barges must live 10004 Description here 10005 FAILED: All six barges not captured 10006 SUCCESS: All Six Barges captured 10007 SECONDARY: Capture (come within 100 meters of) all six barges 10008 Description here 10009 FAILED: Less than four barges captured successfully 10010 SUCCESS: Four Barges Captured 10011 PRIMARY: Capture (come within 100meters) four of six barges 10012 Description here 10013 FAILED: Destroy all armed escorts around the barges 10014 SUCCESS: All escorts destroyed 10015 PRIMARY: Destroy all armed escorts around the barges 10016 Insert description here for later. 10500 danfinalpoint 10501 Nav Alpha 10502 Nav Beta 10503 Nav Delta 10504 Nav Gamma 10505 Munitions Plant 1 10506 Munitions Plant 2 10507 Munitions Plant 3 10508 Failed: Destroy first Munitions Plant 10509 Success: First Munitions Plant destroyed 10510 Primary: Destroy first Munitions Plant 10511 destroy first munitions plant 10512 Failed: Destroy third Munitions Plant 10513 Success: Third Munitions Plant destroyed 10514 Primary: Destroy third Munitions Plant 10515 destroy third munitions plant 10516 Failed: Destroy second Munitions Plant 10517 Success: Second Munitions Plant destroyed 10518 Primary: Destroy second Munitions Plant 10519 destroy second munitions plant 10520 Failed: Local guide killed 10521 Success: Local guide found 10522 Secondary: Link up with local guide 10523 find the local guide in the swiftwind - hi mom 11500 convoystart 11501 Nav Alpha 11502 Nav Beta 11503 Nav Delta 11504 Nav Gamma 11505 Nav Zeta 11506 Nav Epsilon 11507 Failed: Escort buses to L.Z. (Nav Delta) 11508 Success: Escort buses to L.Z. (Nav Delta) 11509 Primary: Escort buses to L.Z. (Nav Delta) 11510 Primary: Escort buses to L.Z. (Nav Delta) 11511 Failed: Destroy air defense radar and tower at Nav Zeta 11512 Success: Destroy Air Defense Radar and Tower at Nav Zeta 11513 Primary: Destroy Air Defense Radar and Tower at Nav Zeta 11514 Primary: Destroy Air Defense Radar and Tower at Nav Zeta 11515 Failed: Destroy convoy escort 11516 Success: Destroy convoy escort 11517 Primary: Destroy convoy escort 11518 Primary: Destroy convoy escort 11519 Fail: Break contact with Steiner Forces by any means possible 11520 Success: Break contact with Steiner Forces by any means possible 11521 Primary: Break contact with Steiner Forces by any means possible 11522 Primary: Break contact with Steiner Forces by any means possible 11523 Failed: Protect Prisoners 11524 Success: Protect Prisoners 11525 Primary: Protect Prisoners 11526 Primary: Protect Prisoners 11527 Failed: Destroy Targets of Opportunity 11528 Success: Destroy Targets of Opportunity 11529 Secondary: Destroy Targets of Opportunity 11530 Secondary: Destroy Targets of Opportunity 12000 Nav Alpha 12001 Nav Delta 12002 James Kulin 12004 Failed: Destroy all 'Mechs defending base 12005 Success: All 'Mechs defending base destroyed 12006 Primary: Destroy all 'Mechs defending base 12007 Destroy All the 'Mechs Currently Guarding the Base 12008 Failed: Destroy both guard towers around first prisoner compound 12009 Success: Guard towers around first compound destroyed 12010 Primary: Destroy both guard towers around first prisoner compound 12011 Destroy Both Guard Towers Around First Prisoner Compound 12012 Failed: Destroy both guard towers around second prisoner compound 12013 Success: Guard towers around second compound destroyed 12014 Primary: Destroy both guard towers around second prisoner compound 12015 Destroy Both Guard Towers Around Second Prisoner Compound 12016 Failed: Destroy both guard towers around third prisoner compound 12017 Success: Guard towers around third compound destroyed 12018 Primary: Destroy both guard towers around third prisoner compound 12019 Destroy Both Guard Towers Around Third Prisoner Compound 12020 Failed: Destroy both guard towers around fourth prisoner compound 12021 Success: Guard towers around fourth compound destroyed 12022 Primary: Destroy both guard towers around fourth prisoner compound 12023 Destroy Both Guard Towers Around Fourth Prisoner Compound 12024 Failed: Take out James Kulin and his lancemates 12025 Success: Kulin and lancemates neutralized 12026 Primary: Take out James Kulin and his lancemates 12027 Take out James Kulin And His Lancemates 12028 Failed: Link up with allied units 12029 Success: Allied units found 12030 Primary: Link up with allied units 12031 Link Up With Allied Units 13028 Nav Center 13029 Team 1 Drop Zone 13030 Team 2 Drop Zone 13031 Team 3 Drop Zone 13500 Casey 13501 Sir Peter 13502 Objective Tower 1 13503 Objective Tower 2 13504 Objective Tower 3 13505 Listening Post 13506 Fire Your Missiles With Trigger Two 13507 Fire Your Missiles With Trigger Two 13508 Fire Your Missiles With Trigger Two 13509 Fire Your Missiles With Trigger Two 13510 Failed: Base maintains communications link with Kentares IV 13511 Success: Moon base cut off from Kentares IV 13512 Primary: Destroy all three communications towers 13513 Locate and eliminate Steiner communication towers 13514 Failed: The enemy has revealed our plans, we must hurry 13515 Success: All enemy forces eliminated 13516 Secondary: Destroy all escaping enemy units 13517 Stop Steiner ground forces from alerting others 13518 Fire Your 'Big Punch' Weapons With Trigger Three 13519 Fire Your 'Big Punch' Weapons With Trigger Three 13520 Fire Your 'Big Punch' Weapons With Trigger Three 13521 Fire Your 'Big Punch' Weapons With Trigger Three 13522 For Constant Rapid Fire Weapons Use Trigger One 13523 For Constant Rapid Fire Weapons Use Trigger One 13524 For Constant Rapid Fire Weapons Use Trigger One 13525 For Constant Rapid Fire Weapons Use Trigger One 13526 Press 'E' To Target Different Enemies 13527 Press 'E' To Target Different Enemies 13528 Press 'E' To Target Different Enemies 13529 Press 'E' To Target Different Enemies 13530 dropnav 13531 Nav Alpha 13532 units_sighted 14000 Nav Alpha 14001 Nav Beta 14002 nav_dont_go_here 14003 Gonzalez 14004 Enemy Osiris 14005 Second Enemy Osiris 14025 Failed: Destroy all enemies at Nav Beta 14026 Success: Destroy all enemies at Nav Beta 14027 Primary: Destroy all enemies at Nav Beta 14028 Destroy All Enemies at Nav Beta 14029 Failed: Destroy all enemies at Nav Alpha 14030 Success: Destroy all enemies at Nav Alpha 14031 Primary: Destroy all enemies at Nav Alpha 14032 Destroy All Enemies at Nav Alpha 14500 Sir Peter 14502 Dropship Alpha 14503 Dropship Beta 14504 Dropship Gamma 14505 Alpha Platform 14506 Beta Platform 14507 Gamma Platform 14508 forward3 14509 Objective APU Alpha 1 14510 Objective APU Alpha 2 14511 Objective APU Alpha 3 14512 Objective APU Beta 1 14513 Objective APU Beta 2 14514 Objective APU Beta 3 14515 Objective APU Gamma 1 14516 Objective APU Gamma 2 14517 Objective APU Gamma 3 14518 Failed: Destroy all Steiner APUs 14519 Success: Destroy all Steiner APUs 14520 Secondary: Destroy all Steiner APUs 14521 Secondary: Destroy All Steiner APUs 14522 Failed: Destroy all Steiner Dropships 14523 Success: Destroy all Steiner Dropships 14524 Primary: Destroy all Steiner Dropships 14525 Primary: Destroy all Steiner Dropships 14526 Failed: Two Steiner Dropships escaped 14527 Success: Two Steiner Dropships destroyed 14528 Secondary: Destroy two Steiner Dropships 14529 Secondary: Destroy two Steiner Dropships 14530 betanav 14531 fleespot 14532 gammanav 14533 Nav Alpha 14534 Nav Beta 14535 Nav Gamma 14536 navpoint_0000 14537 rally 15000 Failed: Locate enemy airbase 15001 Success: Locate enemy airbase 15002 Primary: Locate enemy airbase 15003 objective 1: locate the enemy airbase. 15004 Failed: Destroy all eight Shilone bombers 15005 Success: All bombers neutralized 15006 Primary: Destroy all eight Shilone bombers 15007 objective: kill all of the shilone bombers. 15008 Failed: Destroy all 'Mechs defending base 15009 Success: Base defenders neutralized 15010 Primary: Destroy all 'Mechs defending base. 15011 Objective: Destroy heavy 'Mechs defending base. 15012 Failed: Destroy the Air Control Tower 15013 Success: Air Control Tower destroyed 15014 Primary: Destroy the Air Control Tower 15015 objective: destroy the command tower. 15500 burke2nav 15501 burkenav 15502 Nav Alpha 15503 Nav Beta 15504 Nav Delta 15505 Nav Gamma 15506 Duncan Burke 15507 Failed: Hovercraft patrol Alpha escaped 15508 Success: Hovercraft patrol Alpha destroyed 15509 Primary: Destroy hovercraft patrol Alpha 15510 Protect Gail by destroying hovercraft patrols 15511 Failed: Hovercraft patrol Beta escaped 15512 Success: Hovercraft patrol Beta destroyed 15513 Primary: Destroy hovercraft patrol Beta 15514 Protect Gail by destroying hovercraft patrols 15515 Failed: Hovercraft patrol Gamma escaped 15516 Success: Hovercraft patrol Gamma destroyed 15517 Primary: Destroy hovercraft patrol Gamma 15518 Protect Gail by destroying hovercraft patrols 15519 Failed: Hovercraft patrol Delta escaped 15520 Success: Hovercraft patrol Delta destroyed 15521 Primary: Destroy hovercraft patrol Delta 15522 Protect Gail by destroying hovercraft patrols 15523 Failed: Duncan Burke has squashed the revolution 15524 Success: Duncan has been eliminated Victoryis yours 15525 Primary: Duncan Burke has challenged you one on one 15526 Avenge your family honor, Defeat Duncan Burke 16000 Nav Alpha 16001 Nav Beta 16002 Nav Gamma 16003 Failed: Protect the refugee ships until they can reach open water 16004 Success: Protect the refugee ships until they can reach open water 16005 Primary: Protect the refugee ships until they can reach open water 16006 Primary: Protect the refugee ships until they can reach open water 16007 Failed: Destroy all hostile units in immediate area 16008 Success: Destroy all hostile units in immediate area 16009 Secondary: Destroy all hostile units in immediate area 16010 Secondary: Destroy all hostile units in immediate area 16013 Indomitable 16014 Thunderchild 16500 Nav Alpha 16501 Nav Beta 16502 Nav Delta 16503 Nav Epsilon 16504 Nav Gamma 16505 Failed: Destroy all enemy units at Nav Alpha 16506 Success: All units at Nav Alpha Destroyed 16507 Primary: Destroy all enemy units at Nav Alpha 16508 Description here 16509 Failed: Destroy all enemy units at Nav Beta 16510 Success: All enemy units at Nav Beta Destroyed 16511 Primary: Destroy all enemy units at Nav Beta 16512 Dexcription here 16513 Failed: Destroy all Units at Nav Delta 16514 Success: All units at Nav Delta Destroyed 16515 Primary: Destroy all units at Nav Delta 16516 Here lies the description. No... Really! 16517 Failed: Destroy all units at Nav Epsilon 16518 Success: All units at Nav Epsilon Destroyed 16519 Primary: Destroy all units at Nav Epsilon 16520 Description 16521 Failed: Destroy all enemy units at Nav Gamma 16522 Success: All units at Nav Gamma Destroyed 16523 Primary: Destroy all enemy units at Nav Gamma 16524 Description here 17000 Nav Alpha 17001 Nav Beta 17002 Nav Gamma 17005 Failed: Destroy Communications Center 17006 Success: Communications Center Destroyed 17007 Secondary: Destroy Communications Center at Nav Gamma 17008 Description here 17009 Failed: Destroy Turret Power Generator 17010 Success: Turret Power Generator Destroyed 17011 Secondary: Destroy Turret Power Generator at Nav Beta 17012 Description here 17013 Failed: Destroy All Units Defending Local University 17014 Success: Defending Units Destroyed 17015 Primary: Destroy All Units Defending Local University at Nav Alpha 17016 Description Here 17026 Communications Center 18000 Damon Squire 18001 Command1 18002 Command3 18003 Failed: You did not locate your sister 18004 Success: You have rendezvoused with your sister 18005 Primary: Locate your sister 18006 Primary: Locate your sister 18007 Failed: Your sister has been killed 18008 Success: Your sister is safe 18009 Primary: Escort your sister to safety (Nav Zeta) 18010 Primary: Escort your sister to safety (Nav Zeta) 18011 alarm1 18012 Nav Alpha 18013 Nav Beta 18014 Nav Zeta 18019 Command2 18500 cinnav 18501 Nav Alpha 18502 Nav Beta 18503 Nav Gamma 18504 Castro 18505 Weapon Bunker Alpha 18506 Weapon Bunker beta 18507 Weapon Bunker Gamma 18508 Failed: Weapon cache not secured 18509 Success: Castro defeated and weapon cache located 18510 Primary: Find the weapon cache and defeat Jeanine Castro 18511 Primary: Find the weapon cache and defeat Jeanine Castro 18512 Failed: Alpha's status unknown 18513 Success: Alpha Bunker reconnoitered 18514 Primary: Proceed to Alpha Bunker and check for the Weapons cache (Blow doors off) 18515 Primary: Proceed to Alpha Bunker and check for the Weapons cache (Blow doors off) 18516 Failed: Beta's status unknown 18517 Success: Beta Bunker reconnoitered 18518 Primary: Proceed to Beta Bunker and check for the Weapons cache (Blow doors off) 18519 Primary: Proceed to Beta Bunker and check for the Weapons cache (Blow doors off) 18520 Failed: Gamma's status unknown 18521 Success: Gamma Bunker reconnoitered 18522 Primary: Proceed to Gamma Bunker and check for the Weapons cache (Blow doors off) 18523 Primary: Proceed to Gamma Bunker and check for the Weapons cache (Blow doors off) 19000 SECONDARY -- All Trucks survive 19001 SECONDARY -- All Trucks survive 19002 SECONDARY -- All Trucks survive 19003 SECONDARY -- All Trucks survive 19004 FALIURE -- CONVOY ESCAPED 19005 SUCCESS -- ALL GUARDS DEAD AND CONVOY STOPPED 19006 Overtake Convoy and Destroy Guards 19007 Overtake Convoy and Destroy Guards 19008 FAILED -- Destroy All Steiner Forces 19009 SUCCESS -- All Steiner Forces Destroyed 19010 Secondary -- Destroy All Steiner Forces 19011 Destroy All Steiner Forces 19012 Nav Center 19013 Team 1 Drop Zone 19014 Team 2 Drop Zone 19015 team1 19016 team2 19019 Blue Flag 19020 Red Flag 19500 19501 Drop Point 19502 Drop Point 19503 19504 Nav Epsilon 19505 Nav Epsilon 19506 19507 Nav Delta 19508 Nav Delta 19509 19510 Nav Gamma 19511 Nav Gamma 19512 19513 Nav Beta 19514 Nav Beta 19515 19516 Nav Alpha 19517 Nav Alpha 19518 19519 Drop Point 19520 Drop Point 19521 19522 Nav Alpha 19523 Nav Alpha 19524 19525 Nav Beta 19526 Nav Beta 19527 19528 Nav Alpha 19529 Nav Alpha 19530 19531 Drop Point 19532 Drop Point 19533 19534 Destroy Objective Buildings Located Here. 19535 Destroy Objective Buildings Located Here. 19536 19537 Nav Alpha 19538 Nav Alpha 19539 19540 Nav Beta 19541 Nav Beta 19542 Drop Point 19543 Drop Point 19544 Drop Point 19545 Suspected Convoy Location 19546 Destroy All Convoy Vehicles 19547 Destroy All Convoy Vehicles 19548 19549 Nav Alpha 19550 Nav Alpha 19551 19552 Nav Beta 19553 Nav Beta 19554 19555 Nav Gamma 19556 Nav Gamma 19557 Drop Point 19558 Drop Point 19559 Drop Point 19560 19561 Drop Point 19562 Drop Point 19563 19564 Sir Peter's Dropship 19565 Sir Peter's Dropship 19566 19567 Your Dropship 19568 Your Dropship 19569 19570 Drop Point 19571 Drop Point 19572 19573 Nav Alpha 19574 Nav Alpha 19575 19576 Nav Beta 19577 Nav Beta 19578 19579 Nav Gamma 19580 Nav Gamma 19581 19582 Drop Point 19583 Drop Point 19584 19585 Nav Alpha 19586 Nav Alpha 19587 19588 Nav Beta 19589 Nav Beta 19590 19591 Nav Gamma 19592 Nav Gamma 19593 19594 Nav Delta 19595 Nav Delta 19596 19597 Nav Epsilon 19598 Nav Epsilon 19599 19600 Nav Zeta 19601 Nav Zeta 19602 19603 'Mech Bays 19604 'Mech Bays 19605 Drop Point 19606 Drop Point 19607 Drop Point 19608 19609 Sweep Area 19610 Sweep Area 19611 19612 Sweep Area 19613 Sweep Area 19614 19615 Sweep Area 19616 Sweep Area 19617 19618 Drop Point 19619 Drop Point 19620 19621 Nav Alpha 19622 Nav Alpha 19623 19624 Drop Point 19625 Drop Point 19626 Nav Alpha 19627 Nav Alpha 19628 Nav Alpha 19629 Nav Beta 19630 Nav Beta 19631 Nav Beta 19632 19633 Drop Point 19634 Drop Point 19635 Nav Alpha 19636 Nav Alpha 19637 Nav Alpha 19638 Nav Beta 19639 Nav Beta 19640 Nav Beta 19641 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 19642 Big City Waves 19643 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 19644 19645 Drop Point 19646 Drop Point 19647 19648 Nav Delta 19649 Nav Delta 19650 19651 Drop Point 19652 Drop Point 19653 19654 Nav Alpha 19655 Nav Alpha 19656 19657 Drop Point 19658 Drop Point 19659 19660 Drop Point 19661 Drop Point 19662 19663 Nav Alpha 19664 Nav Alpha 19665 19666 Nav Gamma 19667 Nav Gamma 19668 19669 Nav Epsilon 19670 Nav Epsilon 19671 19672 Nav Delta 19673 Nav Delta 19674 19675 Drop Point 19676 Drop Point 19677 19678 Nav Delta 19679 Nav Delta 19680 19681 Nav Alpha 19682 Nav Alpha 19683 19684 Drop Point 19685 Drop Point 19686 19687 Nav Alpha 19688 Nav Alpha 19689 19690 Nav Beta 19691 Nav Beta 19692 19693 Romeo Support 19694 Romeo Support 19695 19696 Nav Delta 19697 Nav Delta 19698 19699 Drop Point 19700 Drop Point 19701 19702 Drop Point 19703 Drop Point 19704 19705 Nav Alpha 19706 Nav Alpha 19707 19708 Nav Beta 19709 Nav Beta 19710 19711 Nav Delta 19712 Nav Delta 19713 19714 Nav Gamma 19715 Nav Gamma 19716 19717 Drop Point 19718 Drop Point 19719 19720 Nav Alpha 19721 Nav Alpha 19722 19723 Nav Beta 19724 Nav Beta 19725 19726 Nav Gamma 19727 Nav Gamma 19728 19729 Drop Point 19730 Drop Point 19731 19732 Nav Alpha 19733 Nav Alpha 19734 19735 Nav Beta 19736 Nav Beta 19737 19738 Nav Gamma 19739 Nav Gamma 19740 19741 Nav Delta 19742 Nav Delta 19743 19744 Nav Epsilon 19745 Nav Epsilon 19746 19747 Drop Point 19748 Drop Point 19749 19750 Nav Alpha 19751 Nav Alpha 19752 19753 Nav Beta 19754 Nav Beta 19755 19756 Nav Delta 19757 Nav Delta 19758 19759 Nav Epsilon 19760 Nav Epsilon 19761 19762 Drop Point 19763 Drop Point 19764 19765 Nav Alpha 19766 Nav Alpha 19767 19768 Nav Beta 19769 Nav Beta 19770 19771 Nav Gamma 19772 Nav Gamma 19773 19774 Drop Point 19775 Drop Point 19776 19777 Nav Alpha 19778 Nav Alpha 19779 19780 Nav Beta 19781 Nav Beta 19782 19783 Nav Zeta 19784 Nav Zeta 19785 19786 Drop Point 19787 Drop Point 19788 19789 Nav Alpha 19790 Nav Alpha 19791 19792 Nav Beta 19793 Nav Beta 19794 19795 Nav Gamma 19796 Nav Gamma 19797 Destroy Lunar Comm. Relay 19798 Operation 1 Mission 1. Destroy Enemy Communications Relay. Our rebellion starts here. We are going to raid and destroy the key component of the Steiner communications net. Enemy forces are light and resistance should be minimal. Destroy the three communications relay stations and Steiner communications will be cut off from Kentares IV. 19799 Destroy Lunar Comm. Relay 19800 Destroy SCUD Convoys 19801 Operation 1 Mission 2. Destroy Steiner Missile Vehicles. Steiner is moving missile vehicles through our operational area in preparation for an attack. Sweep the area and destroy the Steiner launch vehicles. The vehicles will be escorted and this escort may include enemy 'Mech forces. 19802 Destroy SCUD Convoys 19803 Dropship Hunt 19804 Operation 1 Mission 3. Destroy Steiner Dropships. We have an opportunity to cripple Steiner's activities on and around Kentares IV. Three Dropships are preparing for take-off. If we strike quickly, we can deliver a decisive blow. Be careful if they get powered up, Dropships can be devastating. Target mobile APUs to slow down their launch procedure. Also, their engines are vulnerable to attack. 19805 Dropship Hunt 19806 Base Defense 19807 Operation 1 Mission 4. Defend Landing Facilities. Steiner has taken an increased interest in our activities. We must escape and you need to provide cover until we can power up our Dropships and escape. Make sure the APUs that are powering up the Dropships survive. Enemy forces may be heavy and will include 'Mech assets. 19808 Base Defense 19809 Recon Area 19810 Operation 2 Mission 1. Recon. We will be making a hot drop and conducting a recon sweep of the surrounding area. Once this is done, it will allow us to land our forces and begin operations on Kentares IV. This will be your first command opportunity. 19811 Recon Area 19812 Raid Depot 19813 Operation 2 Mission 2 Capture Depot. We have located a Steiner base. With a quick strike, we think we can cut off their communications and take control of the base. This will give us some good quality salvage. Enemy resistance will be heavy. Expect 'Mechs supported by combat helicopters. 19814 Raid Depot 19815 Escort Techs 19816 Operation 2 Mission 3. Relieve and Escort Friendly Techs. A group of technicians is pinned down by enemy units. We need to rendezvous with them and escort them to friendly territory. Time is of the essence. The vehicles that the techs are using are very vulnerable, so pay attention to them. 19817 Escort Techs 19818 Capture Base 19819 Operation 2 Mission 4. Capture Base. We have an opportunity to strike at Steiner forces, drive them out of the region, and get a little revenge. An added bonus will be the capture of their launch facilities and satellite control. The war is starting to turn, let's make this count. 19820 Capture Base 19821 Sweep and Destroy 19822 Operation 3 Mission 1. Sweep And Destroy. A Steiner Dropship has crashed and we may have a chance to capture it and further cripple Steiner's ability to move troops. Scout the nearby area and brush aside the enemy 'Mech screen. 19823 Sweep and Destroy 19824 Capture Supply Convoy 19825 Operation 3 Mission 2. Capture Supply Convoy. Steiner is attempting to move repair supplies, technicians, and reinforcements to a Dropship. Intercept the convoy, destroy the military forces, and capture the convoy. They are ahead of you on the mountain paths, so move fast. 19826 Capture Supply Convoy 19827 Destroy Dropship 19828 Operation 3 Mission 3. Destroy Dropship. We can take a strike at the Steiner Dropship. It is crippled, but that doesn't mean it will not get its weapons online. If it does activate its weapons, use range, mobility, and friendly artillery to bring it down. If we win though, we will have a huge advantage over Steiner. 19829 Destroy Dropship 19830 Raid Base 19831 Operation 4 Mission 1. Raid Base. We have the opportunity to raid a large Steiner base as part of a combined arms action. Your job is to guard a convoy of vehicles as they enter the base and loot the supply warehouses. Beware of possible heavy enemy 'Mech forces. Watch for the heat impact of the desert terrain. 19832 Raid Base 19833 Defend Base 19834 Operation 4 Mission 2. Defend Base. Steiner forces are on a major offensive. We need to relieve forces at Nav Alpha and proceed to a large allied base at Nav Beta. You can expect a fierce assault by enemy forces at both locations. Again, watch the impact of the desert heat upon your 'Mechs. 19835 Defend Base 19836 Capture Barges 19837 Operation 4 Mission 3. Capture Barges. There are a number of barges laden with supplies being moved through our operational area. Steiner will doubtlessly be guarding these barges well, but civilians will be captaining the barges. If you can destroy the barge escorts, they will surrender giving us much needed supplies. 19838 Capture Barges 19839 Destroy Factory 19840 Operation 4 Mission 4. Destroy Factory. The destruction of a key ammunitions factory may cripple Steiner operations all over Kentares IV. We will try to strike at and destroy this factory with the help of a local guide in a Swiftwind. Visibility is poor, so short-range weapons may be preferable. 19841 Destroy Factory 19842 Capture Convoy 19843 Operation 4 Mission 5. Capture Prisoner Convoy. A group of your father's veteran Mechwarriors is being moved to a prisoner camp for possible execution. We have helicopter assets standing by for a rescue attempt. We will strike at the convoy, destroy its escorts, and then move the convoy to an LZ for extraction. 19844 Capture Convoy 19845 Liberate Camp 19846 Operation 4 Mission 6. Liberate Prisoner Camp. We have obtained reliable information regarding the location of the Steiner prisoner camp. Resistance will be strong, but we need to strike at this camp and liberate the prisoners. Be prepared for fierce fighting involving the largest 'Mechs you have seen to this point. 19847 Liberate Camp 19848 Destroy Bombers 19849 Operation 5 Mission 1. Destroy Bombers. Steiner air assets based in a hidden base somewhere in the swamp land to the south of Vale may be used as a weapon of terrorism. We cannot let them threaten the local populace any longer. Destroy the bombers and the control tower to end this threat to all non-combatants in the area. 19850 Destroy Bombers 19851 Destroy Patrols 19852 Operation 5 Mission 2. Destroy Patrols. We need to split up to cover all threats to the civilian populace. Your job will be to sweep through the swamp and eliminate all enemy patrols. You can expect mostly Hovercraft, but do not underestimate Steiner. 19853 Destroy Patrols 19854 Defend Exodus 19855 Operation 5 Mission 3. Defend Exodus. The city of Vale is endangered, in spite of our best efforts. We have been evacuating civilians, but time is short. Two civilian ships remain at the docks still taking on civilians. We need to buy these ships as much time as possible and guard them as they attempt to get out to sea. 19856 Defend Exodus 19857 Recon In Force 19858 Operation 6 Mission 1. Reconnaissance In Force. We are entering a thick, urban environment to deal the final blow to Steiner. We need to scout and destroy any Steiner units that we uncover. Urban fighting is often close range and brutal. Staying aware of your surroundings will increase the chance of survival. 19859 Recon In Force 19860 Rescue Pilots 19861 Operation 6 Mission 2. Rescue Pilots. There are friendly 'Mech pilots stranded behind enemy lines. Proceed through the Nav Points to locate their position. They will reveal their position with flares. A helicopter will proceed to your location for air evacuation. 19862 Rescue Pilots 19863 Destroy Base 19864 Operation 6 Mission 3. Destroy Base. We have located a Steiner base at the site of the local university. We may be able to get valuable intelligence from the base. 'Mech forces may be light, but reports state that static defenses are heavy. There is a generator you can destroy to deprive these static weapons of power. 19865 Destroy Base 19866 Rescue Sister 19867 Operation 6 Mission 4. Rescue Sister. The unit your sister was leading has been overrun. Enter the combat area and search for her location. You must hurry. If Steiner knows your sister is out there, they will not hesitate to fire upon her. 19868 Rescue Sister 19869 Capture Supplies 19870 Operation 6 Mission 5. Capture Supplies. Steiner has a cache of weapons hidden somewhere in this city. Proceed through the Nav Points to locate the cache. Beware, Steiner will be ready for you and an ambush is a possibility. A lot was sacrificed for this chance, so make it count. 19871 Capture Supplies 19872 End Game 19873 Operation 7. End Game. It is time to bring an end to this war. Enemy forces will be heavy and desperate. Your targets are the turret control facility and Roland's Dropship. Terminate all units to bring this war to an end. 19874 End Game 19875 Alpine Master Trials 19876 Arctic Master Trials 19877 Desert Master Trials 19878 Basic Training 101 19879 Big City 19880 Central Park 19881 Dustbowl 19882 Frostbite 19883 Gator Bait 19884 Inner City 19885 Lunacy 19886 Timberline 19887 Lunar 1 19888 Operation 1 Mission 1. Destroy Enemy Communication Relay. Our rebellion starts here. We are going to raid and destroy the key component of the Steiner communications net. Enemy forces are light and resistance should be minimal. Destroy the three communications relay stations and Steiner communication will be cut off from Kentares IV. 19889 Lunar 2 19890 Operation 1 Mission 2. Destroy Steiner Missile Vehicles. Steiner is moving missile vehicles through our operational area in preparation for an attack. Sweep the area and destroy the Steiner launch vehicles. The vehicles will be escorted and this escort may include enemy 'Mech forces. 19891 Lunar 3 19892 Operation 1 Mission 3. Destroy Steiner Dropships. We have an opportunity to cripple Steiner's activities on and around Kentares IV. Three Dropships are preparing for take-off. If we strike quickly, we can deliver a decisive blow. Be careful if they get powered up, Dropships can be devastating. Target the mobile APU's to slow down their launch procedure. Also, their engines are vulnerable to attack. 19893 Lunar 4 19894 Operation 1 Mission 4. Defend Landing Facilities. Steiner has taken an increased interest in our activities. We must escape and you need to provide cover until we can power up our Dropships and escape. Make sure the APU's that are powering up the Dropships survive. Enemy forces may be heavy and will include 'Mech assets. 19895 Arctic 1 19896 Operation 2 Mission 1. Recon. We will be making a hot drop and conducting a recon sweep of the surrounding area. Once this is done, it will allow us to land our forces and begin operations on Kentares IV. This will be your first command opportunity. 19897 Arctic 2 19898 Operation 2 Mission 2 Capture Depot. We have located a Steiner base. With a quick strike, we think we can cut off their communications and take control of the base. This will give us some good quality salvage. Enemy resistance will be heavy. Expect 'Mech supported by combat helicopters. 19899 Arctic 3 19900 Operation 2 Mission 3. Relieve and Escort Friendly Techs. A group of technicians is pinned down by enemy units. We need to rendezvous with them and escort them to friendly territory. Time is of the essence. The vehicles that the techs are using are very vulnerable, so mind them. 19901 Arctic 4 19902 Operation 2 Mission 4. Capture Base. We have an opportunity to strike at Steiner forces, drive them out of the region, and get a little revenge. An added bonus will be the capture of their launch facilities and satellite control. The war is starting to turn, let's make this count. 19903 Alpine 1 19904 Operation 3 Mission 1. Destroy Patrols. A Steiner Dropship has crashed and we may have a chance to capture it and further cripple Steiner's ability to move troops. Scout the nearby area and brush aside the enemy 'Mech screen. 19905 Alpine 2 19906 Operation 3 Mission 2. Capture Convoy. Steiner is attempting to move repair supplies, technicians, and reinforcements to a Dropship. Intercept the convoy, destroy the military forces, and capture the convoy. They are ahead of you on the mountain paths, so move fast. 19907 Alpine 3 19908 Operation 3 Mission 3. Destroy Dropship. We can take a strike at the Steiner Dropship. It is crippled, but that doesn't mean it will not get its weapons online. If it does activate its weapons, use range, mobility, and friendly artillery to bring it down. If we win though, we will have a huge advantage over Steiner. 19909 Desert 1 19910 Operation 4 Mission 1. Raid Base. We have the opportunity to raid a large Steiner base as part of a combined arms action. Your job is to guard a convoy of vehicles as they enter the base and loot the supply warehouses. Beware of possible heavy enemy 'Mech forces. Watch for the heat impact of the desert terrain. 19911 Desert 2 19912 Operation 4 Mission 2. Defend Base. Steiner forces are on a major offensive. We need to relieve forces at Nav Alpha and proceed to a large allied base at Nav Beta. You can expect a fierce assault by enemy forces at both locations. Again, watch the impact of the desert heat upon your 'Mechs. 19913 Desert 3 19914 Operation 4 Mission 3. Capture Barges. There are a number of barges laden with supplies being moved through our operational area. Steiner will doubtlessly be guarding these barges well, but civilians will be captaining the barges. If you can destroy the barge escorts, they will surrender giving us much needed supplies. 19915 Desert 4 19916 Operation 4 Mission 4. Destroy Factory. The destruction of a key ammunitions factory may cripple Steiner operations all over Kentares IV. We will try to strike at and destroy this factory with the help of a local guide in a Swiftwind. Visibility is poor, so short-range weapons may be preferable. 19917 Desert 5 19918 Operation 4 Mission 5. Capture Prisoner Convoy. A group of your father's veteran Mechwarriors is being moved to a prisoner camp for possible execution. We have helicopter assets standing by for a rescue attempt. We will strike at the convoy, destroy its escorts, and then move the convoy to an LZ for extraction. 19919 Desert 6 19920 Operation 4 Mission 6. Liberate Prisoner Camp. We have obtained reliable information regarding the location of the Steiner prisoner camp. Resistance will be strong, but we need to strike at this camp and liberate the prisoners. Be prepared for fierce fighting involving the largest 'Mech you have seen to this point. 19921 Swamp 1 19922 Operation 5 Mission 1. Destroy Bombers. Steiner air assets based in a hidden base somewhere in the swamp land, to the south of Vale, may be used as a weapon of terrorism. We cannot let them threaten the local populace any longer. Destroy the bombers and the control tower to end this threat to all non-combatants in the area. 19923 Swamp 2 19924 Operation 5 Mission 2. Destroy Patrols. We need to split up to cover all threats to the civilian populace. Your job will be to sweep through the swamp and eliminate all enemy patrols. You can expect mostly Hovercraft, but do not underestimate Steiner. 19925 Swamp 3 19926 Operation 5 Mission 3. Defend Exodus. The city of Vale is endangered, in spite of our best efforts. We have been evacuation civilians, but time is short. Two civilian ships remain at the docks still taking on civilians. We need to buy these ships as much time as possible and guard them as they attempt to get out to sea. 19927 Urban 1 19928 Operation 6 Mission 1. Reconnaissance In Force. We are entering a thick, urban environment to deal the final blow to Steiner. We need to scout and destroy any Steiner units that we uncover. Urban fighting is often close range and brutal. Staying aware of your surroundings will increase the chance of survival. 19929 Urban 2 19930 Operation 6 Mission 2. Rescue Pilots. There are friendly 'Mech pilots stranded behind enemy lines. Proceed through the Nav Points to locate their position. They will reveal their position with flares. A helicopter will proceed to your location for air evacuation. 19931 Urban 3 19932 Operation 6 Mission 3. Destroy Base. We have located a Steiner base at the site of the local university. We may be able to get valuable intelligence from the base. 'Mech forces may be light, but reports state that static defenses are heavy. There is a generator you can destroy to deprive these static weapons of power. 19933 Urban 4 19934 Operation 6 Mission 4. Rescue Sister. The unit your sister was leading has been overrun. Enter the combat area and search for her location. You must hurry. If Steiner knows your sister is out there, they will not hesitate to fire upon her. 19935 Urban 5 19936 Operation 6 Mission 5. Capture Supplies. Steiner has a cache of weapons hidden somewhere in this city. Proceed through the Nav Points to locate the cache. Beware, Steiner will be ready for you and an ambush is a possibility. A lot was sacrificed for this chance, so make it count. 19937 Palace Master Trials 19938 19939 Nav Beta 19940 Nav Beta 19941 19942 Nav Gamma 19943 Nav Gamma 19944 19945 Nav Delta 19946 Nav Delta 19947 19948 Possible Munitions Site 19949 Possible Munitions Site 19950 19951 Possible Munitions Site 19952 Possible Munitions Site 19953 19954 Possible Munitions Site 19955 Possible Munitions Site 19956 19957 Possible Munitions Site 19958 Possible Munitions Site 19959 19960 Nav Zeta 19961 Nav Zeta 19962 19963 Nav Gamma 19964 Nav Gamma 19968 Snow Job 19969 PalaceGates 19970 19971 Repair Facility 19972 Repair Facility 19973 19974 Steiner 'Mech Ops 19975 Steiner 'Mech Ops 19976 19977 Bridge 19978 Bridge 19979 19980 Repair Facility 19981 Repair Facility 19982 19983 'Mech Ops 19984 'Mech Ops 19985 19986 Air HQ 19987 Air HQ 19988 19989 Administration 19990 Administration 19991 19992 Armor HQ 19993 Armor HQ 19994 19995 Enemy Turret Installations 19996 Enemy Turret Installations 19997 19998 Possible Barracks Location 19999 Possible Barracks Location 20000 city center 20001 Nav Alpha 20002 Nav Beta 20003 park 20004 Team 1 20005 Team 1 Drop Zone 20006 Team 2 20007 Team 2 Drop Zone 20008 Team 3 Drop Zone 20009 Team 4 Drop Zone 20010 Team 5 Drop Zone 20011 Team 6 Drop Zone 20012 Team 7 Drop Zone 20013 Team 8 Drop Zone 20014 Central Park Waves 20015 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 20016 20017 Possible Barracks Location 20018 Possible Barracks Location 20019 20020 Possible Barracks Location 20021 Possible Barracks Location 20022 20023 Possible Barracks Location 20024 Possible Barracks Location 20025 20026 Command 1 - Last Known Position 20027 Command 1 - Last Known Position 20028 20029 Command 2 - Last Known Position 20030 Command 2 - Last Known Position 20031 20032 Command 3 - Last Known Position 20033 Command 3 - Last Known Position 20034 Blue Flag 20035 Red Flag 20036 Dustbowl Waves 20037 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 20038 Frostbite Waves 20039 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 20040 Gator Bait Waves 20041 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 20042 Inner City Waves 20043 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 20044 Lunacy Waves 20045 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 20046 Timberline Waves 20047 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 20048 Snow Job Waves 20049 Perfect Practice Makes Perfect! Choose all possible conditions and fight against waves of up to four opponents. Wave battle is a quick way to hone your individual or team skills. The mission will continue until you or your opponents are victorious. Hit the ESC key at any time to pause or return to the Main menu. Good luck and good hunting! 20050 Palace Gate Waves 21000 Nav Center 21001 Team 1 Drop Zone 21002 Team 2 Drop Zone 21003 Team 3 Drop Zone 21004 Team 4 Drop Zone 21006 Flag 22000 control tower 22001 Nav Alpha 22002 Nav Beta 22003 Team 1 Drop Zone 22004 Team 2 Drop Zone 22005 team1 22006 team2 22010 Flag 22011 Blue Flag 22012 Red Flag 22500 Nav Center 22501 Team 1 Drop Zone 22502 Team 2 Drop Zone 22504 Flag 23000 center parking 23001 Team 1 Drop Zone 23002 Team 2 Drop Zone 23003 Team 3 Drop Zone 23004 Team 4 Drop Zone 23500 Nav Center 23501 objective_tower1 23502 objective_tower2 23503 objective_tower3 23504 listeningpost 23505 Team 1 Drop Zone 23506 Team 2 Drop Zone 23507 Team 3 Drop Zone 23508 Team 4 Drop Zone 25000 Nav Alpha 25001 Nav Beta 25002 Nav Delta 25003 Nav Gamma 25004 William Dresari 25006 Hrothgar 25007 Turret Power Generator 25008 Failed: Destroy Turret Generator 25009 Success: Turret Generator destroyed 25010 Primary: Destroy Turret Generator at Nav Beta 25011 Destroy Turret Generator 25012 Failed: Take out William's Daishi 25013 Success: William's Daishi destroyed 25014 Primary: Take out William's Daishi 25015 25016 Failed: Stop the Dropship from taking off 25017 Success: Dropship destroyed 25018 Primary: Stop the Dropship from taking off at Nav Gamma 25019 Stop The Dropship From Taking Off 25020 Failed: Take out all Elite Guard 'Mechs 25021 Success: Elite Guard 'Mechs neutralized 25022 Primary: Take out all Elite Guard 'Mechs 25023 Take Out All Elite Guard 'Mechs 25500 25501 Fire any weapon to activate your next opponent. 25502 25503 25504 25505 Your first opponent is approaching. 25506 25507 25508 25509 Your second opponent is approaching. 25510 25511 25512 25513 Your third opponent is approaching. 25514 25515 25516 25517 Your fourth opponent is approaching. 25518 25519 25520 25521 You have activated an additional opponent by firing at it. 25522 25523 25524 25525 You have activated an additional opponent by approaching it. 25526 25527 26000 nav_alpha 26001 nav_beta 26002 nav_betweencones 26003 nav_delta 26004 nav_epsilon 26005 nav_gamma 26006 nav_inarea5 26007 nav_inarea6 26008 nav_insection3 26009 nav_jonesfinalteleportend 26010 nav_jonesfinalteleportstart 26011 nav_ncone1 26012 nav_ncone2 26013 nav_scone1 26014 nav_scone2 26015 nav_section1a 26016 nav_section1b 26017 nav_section2a 26018 nav_section2b 26019 nav_section2to3a 26020 nav_section3a 26021 nav_section3b 26022 nav_section4a 26023 nav_section4b 26024 nav_section5a 26025 nav_section5b 26026 nav_section6a 26027 nav_section6b 26028 nav_sectionfinala 26029 nav_sectionfinalb 26030 nav_srmcenter 26031 nav_theta 26032 nav_zeta 26033 26034 Circle around the west tower while facing toward it. HINT: move slowly! 26035 26036 26037 26038 Now do the same thing around the east tower. 26039 26040 26041 26042 Destroy the Calliope turret. This will take a bit more effort than the fuel tanks did. 26043 26044 26045 26046 Destroy all the three Peregrine attack helicopters. 26047 26048 26049 26050 Destroy all five of the short-range missile (SRM) carriers. 26051 26052 26053 26054 Turn around and destroy all of the fuel tanks behind you. 26055 26056 26057 26058 Destroy all six fuel tanks. 26059 26060 26061 26062 Turn around by tilting the joystick left or right or pressing '4' or '6' on the numeric keypad. 26063 26064 26065 26066 Turn around to face Lt. Jones. [Tilt the joystick to the side or press numeric keypad '4' or '6'.] 26067 26068 26069 26070 Fire all of your weapons simultaneously. 26071 26072 26073 26074 Fire weapon group 1 using joystick trigger button 1 or the 'Insert' key. 26075 26076 26077 26078 Use the Vedette to obtain missile lock. Fire weapon group 2 (joystick trigger 2 or 'Home'). 26079 26080 26081 26082 Fire weapon group 3 using joystick trigger button 3 or the 'Page Up' key. 26083 26084 26085 26086 Follow Lt. Jones into the next training area (to the south). 26087 26088 26089 26090 Go into the next training area. 26091 26092 26093 26094 Destroy all of the vehicles in this area. 26095 26096 26097 26098 Torso twist left to look at the west tower. Twist the joystick left or use numeric keypad '7'. 26099 26100 26101 26102 Now torso-twist to look at the east tower. [Joystick right-twist or numeric keypad '9'] 26103 26104 26105 26106 Use the Nav Point indicator (above) to maneuver to Nav Alpha 26107 26108 26109 26110 Move to Nav Beta 26111 26112 26113 26114 Take your time to get comfortable with your 'Mech. Go to Nav Gamma when you're ready for more training. 26115 26116 26117 26118 Hold off or destroy the hostile 'Mech. 26119 26120 26121 26122 Select Nav Alpha using either joystick button 'B' or the 'N' key on the keyboard 26123 26124 26125 26126 Toggle your current Nav Point back to Nav Beta [Joystick button 'B', or 'N' on the keyboard] 26127 26128 26129 26130 Switch to a cockpit view using the 'V' key on the keyboard. 26131 26132 26133 26134 Now switch to an outside view again. 26135 26136 26137 26138 Set the Ammo Carrier as your target using joystick button 'A' or 'E' on the keyboard. 26139 26140 26141 26142 Now target the Calliope turret again. 26143 26144 26145 26146 Walk backward using either the joystick slider or keys '0' - '9' with the 'Backspace' key. 26147 26148 26149 26150 Move forward using either the joystick slider or the number keys ('0' - '9') on the keyboard. 26151 26152 26153 26154 Move forward to the second tower again. [Use the joystick slider or '0' - '9' on the keyboard.] 26155 26156 26157 26158 Turn around. Walk around the far tower to the left so you end up facing Lt. Jones. 26159 26160 26161 26162 Zoom in using the joystick 'banana button' or '0' on the numeric keypad. 26163 26164 26165 east tower 26166 West Tower 26500 endpoint 26501 midpoint 26502 Nav Alpha 26503 Nav Beta 26504 Nav Delta 26505 Nav Epsilon 26506 Nav Gamma 26507 Failed: Defend rescue chopper 26508 Success: Rescue chopper safe 26509 Primary: Defend rescue chopper 26510 Defend Rescue Chopper 26511 Failed: Defend garage until pilots are in the rescue chopper 26512 Success: Pilots in rescue chopper 26513 Primary: Defend garage until pilots are in the rescue chopper 26514 Defend Garage until Pilots are in the Rescue Chopper 26515 Failed: Find the parking garage holding the downed pilots 26516 Success: Pilots found 26517 Primary: Find the parking garage holding the downed pilots 26518 Find the Parking Garage holding the Downed Pilots 27000 failed: destroy all units at roadblock beta 27001 success: all units at roadblock beta destroyed 27002 primary: destroy all units at roadblock beta 27003 take out all units at roadblock beta 27004 failed: destroy/deactivate all turrets at roadblock beta 27005 success: all turrets at roadblock beta neutralized 27006 primary: destroy/deactivate all turrets at roadblock beta 27007 all turrets at roadblock beta must be neutralized 27008 failed: destroy all units at roadblock gamma 27009 success: all units at roadblock gamma destroyed 27010 primary: destroy all units at roadblock gamma 27011 destroy all units at roadblock gamma 27012 failed: destroy all units at roadblock alpha 27013 success: all units at roadblock alpha destroyed 27014 primary: destroy all units at roadblock alpha 27015 all units at the south roadblock must be destroyed. 27016 failed: destroy/deactivate all turrets at roadblock alpha 27017 success: all turrets at roadblock alpha destroyed/deactivated 27018 primary: destroy/deactivate all turrets at roadblock alpha 27019 all turrets at roadblock alpha must be neutralized 27020 Nav Alpha 27021 Nav Beta 27022 Nav Center 27023 Team 1 Drop Zone 27024 Team 2 Drop Zone 28001 You have 15 seconds to fire any weapon to activate your next opponent. 28005 Your first opponent is approaching. 28009 Your second opponent is approaching. 28013 Your third opponent is approaching. 28017 Your fourth opponent is approaching. 28021 You have activated an additional opponent by approaching it. 28025 You have activated an additional opponent by firing at it. 28028 Nav Master 28029 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the first Master 28030 Success: You have defeated the first Master 28031 Primary: Defeat the first Master, of three 28032 You must be Victorious against Two Masters to Win 28033 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the second Master 28034 Success: You have defeated the second Master 28035 Primary: Defeat the second Master, of three 28036 You must be Victorious against two Masters to win 28037 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the third Master 28038 Success: You have defeated the third Master 28039 Primary: Defeat the third Master, of three 28040 You must be Victorious against Two Masters to Win 28041 28042 You have one minute remaining in this Master Trial. 28043 28044 28500 secondarycommrelay 28502 You have 15 seconds to fire any weapon to activate your next opponent. 28506 Your first opponent is approaching. 28510 Your second opponent is approaching. 28514 Your third opponent is approaching. 28518 Your fourth opponent is approaching. 28522 You have activated an additional opponent by approaching it. 28526 You have activated an additional opponent by firing at it. 28561 Nav Alpha 28562 Nav Master 28563 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the first Master 28564 Success: You have defeated the first Master 28565 Primary: Defeat the first Master, of three 28566 You must be Victorious against Two Masters to Win 28567 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the second Master 28568 Success: You have defeated the second Master 28569 Primary: Defeat the second Master, of three 28570 You must be Victorious against two Masters to win 28571 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the third Master 28572 Success: You have defeated the third Master 28573 Primary: Defeat the third Master, of three 28574 You must be Victorious against Two Masters to Win 28575 28576 You have one minute remaining in this Master Trial. 28577 28578 29001 Fire any weapon to activate your next opponent. 29005 Your first opponent is approaching. 29009 Your second opponent is approaching. 29013 Your third opponent is approaching. 29017 Your fourth opponent is approaching. 29021 You have activated an additional opponent by approaching it. 29025 You have activated an additional opponent by firing at it. 29028 Nav Alpha 29029 Nav Master 29030 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the first Master 29031 Success: You have defeated the first Master 29032 Primary: Defeat the first Master, of three 29033 You must be Victorious against Two Masters to Win 29034 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the second Master 29035 Success: You have defeated the second Master 29036 Primary: Defeat the second Master, of three 29037 You must be Victorious against two Masters to win 29038 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the third Master 29039 Success: You have defeated the third Master 29040 Primary: Defeat the third Master, of three 29041 You must be Victorious against Two Masters to Win 29042 29043 You have 15 seconds to fire any weapon to activate your next opponent. 29044 29045 30000 Attached: \n 30001 Enabled\n 30002 Flag Captured By 30003 Flag Dropped By 30004 Flag Taken By 30005 Not attached\n 30006 Not Enabled\n 30007 Not Visible\n 30008 \n 30009 's Flag Returned To Base 30010 's Flag Captured By 30011 's Flag Dropped By 30012 's Flag Taken By 30013 (Team 30014 ) 30015 Team 30016 Team: 30017 Visible\n 30018 %s has joined 30019 %s has left 30020 %s has connected 30021 %s has disconnected 30022 Error 30023 Cannot join the selected game. There may be networking problems or the server may be gone 30024 Cannot join the selected game. The password may be incorrect. 30025 The player name must be set before you can join a game. 30026 The game selected is locked or full. 30027 My Connection 30028 Unable to advertise the game. There may be networking problems or the advertising service may be down. 30029 You must have dial up networking installed to create a new phonebook entry. 30030 Cannot join the selected game. There may be networking problems, or you may have incompatible settings on an ICS server. 30031 %s's Game 30032 Nav Master 30033 turret_power_generator 30034 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the first Master 30035 Success: You have defeated the first Master 30036 Primary: Defeat the first Master, of three 30037 You must be Victorious against Two Masters to Win 30038 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the second Master 30039 Success: You have defeated the second Master 30040 Primary: Defeat the second Master, of three 30041 You must be Victorious against two Masters to win 30042 Failed: You have Failed to destroy the third Master 30043 Success: You have defeated the third Master 30044 Primary: Defeat the third Master, of three 30045 You must be Victorious against Two Masters to Win 30046 30047 You have 15 seconds to fire any weapon to activate your next opponent. 30048 30049 30050 30051 You have one minute remaining in this Master Trial. 30052 30053 30054 30055 Your first opponent is approaching. 30056 30057 30058 30059 Your second opponent is approaching. 30060 30061 30062 30063 Your third opponent is approaching. 30064 30065 30066 30067 Your fourth opponent is approaching. 30068 30069 30070 30071 You have activated an additional opponent by approaching it. 30072 30073 30074 30075 You have activated an additional opponent by firing at it. 30076 30077 30500 Nav Center 30502 Failed: Destroy Turret Generator 30503 Success: Turret Generator Destroyed 30504 Primary: Destroy Turret Generator 30505 Destroy Turret Generator 30506 Failed: Take Out William's Daishi 30507 Success: William's Daishi Destroyed 30508 Primary: Take Out William's Daishi 30509 Take Out William's Daishi 30510 Failed: Stop The Dropship From Taking Off 30511 Success: Dropship Destroyed 30512 Primary: Stop The Dropship From Taking Off 30513 Stop The Dropship From Taking Off 30514 Failed: Take Out All Elite Guard 'Mechs 30515 Success: Elite Guard 'Mechs Neutralized 30516 Primary: Take Out All Elite Guard 'Mechs 30517 Take Out All Elite Guard 'Mechs 30518 Team 1 Drop Zone 30519 Team 2 Drop Zone 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. 61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system. 61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels